All content of this site is copyright property of 60 Minute Makeover Trades or the users(account owner) property.
60 Minute Makeover Trades works independently and has no legal association with 60 Minute Makeover TV show producers, ITV Television or Granada Television.
Users of this site do so at their own risk.
The content of this site is not representative, in any way, of the views, opinions or objectives of 60 Minute Makeover TV show producers, ITV Television or Granada Television.
All statements and comments within the profile listings are the sole views and opinions of the individual user(account owner) and are not representative of the views and opinions of 60 Minute Makeover Trades, 60 Minute Makeover TV show producers, ITV Television or Granada Television.
Every effort has been made to ensure the security of this site. In the unlikely event of a server security breach, any result of the actions of the person(s) responsible are not the intensions of 60 Minute Makeover Trades. No responsibilty or blame will be accepted by 60 Minute Makeover Trades unless evidence of knowingly allowing this security breach is found. No responsibilty or blame will be accepted by, or should ever be directed towards, 60 Minute Makeover TV show producers, ITV Television or Granada Television.
60 Minute Makeover Trades, 60 Minute Makeover TV show producers, ITV Television and Granada Television cannot be held responsible for any actions by or results of work carried out by the individuals or companies listed on this site
The private information provided by users of this site is confidential and will not be shared with any third parties, other than content entered by users knowingly to add to profile listings and display publicly on 60 Minute Makeover
All private information is kept on secure servers and every effort is maintained to ensure the security of the users(account owner) information. In the unlikely event of a server security breach, any result of the actions of the person(s) responsible are not the intensions of 60 Minute Makeover Trades. No responsibilty or blame will be accepted by 60 Minute Makeover Trades unless evidence of knowingly allowing this security breach is found. No responsibilty or blame will be accepted by, or should ever be directed towards, 60 Minute Makeover TV show producers, ITV Television or Granada Television.
Additional Traders Terms:
By using this site you are agreeing to promote yourself and/or your business to the public through public viewable pages on this site.
By using this site you are agreeing to never edit your profile in any way that can be interpreted as derogatory. You agree to not use language that could be considered abusive or inappropriate. You agree to not upload, or allow to be uploaded, any images or text that could be considered abusive or inappropriate. You agree to not practice any illegal activity on the site including any form of persecution or abuse, including racism. You agree to not write any derogatory comments about any individual, company, brand, cause, organisation or product, featured on this site or otherwise. You agree to not write anything that is untrue about yourself, your company or anyone or anything else. You agree to not write anything that is a breach of privacy for any individual or company featured on this site or otherwise.
60 Minute Makeover Trades reserves the right to remove any text, image or complete profile at any time without prior warning if the listing is in violation of these terms or for any other reason.